Saturday, 27 July 2024 | Login

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Arthritis drug could cure severe heart condition

A drug currently being trialed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has the potential to be the first ever drug…

Diabetes drug found to reduce heart and kidney disease risk

Type 2 diabetes is becoming more and more widespread, and with it the risk of associated conditions such as stroke…

Potato allergy: Risk factors and symptoms

Potatoes are a staple crop in many countries and can be an important part of a balanced and nutritious diet.…

Allergic and asthmatic bronchitis: Causes and treatments

The bronchial tubes carry air into the lungs from the mouth and nose. When the lining of the bronchial tubes…

Testicular cancer: More genetic risk markers found

A new study brings closer the day when healthy men will be able to undergo a genetic test that shows…

Popular News

Ghana has recorded its first open-heart surgery, outside its premier…
Researchers have long known that diabetes can increase a woman's…
Migraine, one of the most widespread neurological disorders, has proven…
A new study brings closer the day when healthy men…

Excess weight may reduce early death risk for older adults with diabetes

Many of us are aware of the health risks associated with being overweight or obese. A new study, however, finds…

Eye stroke: Symptoms, risks, and treatment

The eyes, as all the body's organs, depend on the flow of oxygen-rich blood to function.

Aspirin may cut breast cancer risk for women with diabetes

Researchers have long known that diabetes can increase a woman's risk of breast cancer. A new study, however, suggests that…

Cannabidiol slashes seizures in kids with rare epilepsy, study finds

Cannabidiol, which is found in marijuana plants, reduced the number of convulsive seizures in children with a severe and often…